Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Secret is OUT!

Well well well, long time no post.....to be perfectly honest I couldn't think of anything to write without giving away my big news, which is that I'm HAVING A BABY!!!! yippee! Had my second scan on friday and I wanted to wait until we knew things were ok and we were out of the whole 12 week period to announce the news. So things are looking great. I'm due the 17th of May, which also happens to be my grandad's birthday, so seems its a special date! (not that the baby is likely to actually arrive on its due date, but I guess you never know!)

Ok, so now I can fill you in on everything that has happened over the past 13 weeks (13 weeks today woop!)

So I found out that I was pregnant on the morning of thursday the 9th September. We had just come back from a long weekend down in Tauranga staying with Steve's aunt and uncle (that was the weekend we missioned it up Mt Maunganui!) I hadn't been feeling the best all weekend, just had a queasy tummy that kept me running to the loo (and not to throw up either if you catch my drift..lol) and I was really hot all the time. So the day I was due to get my period, I decided to do a test....lo and behold about a minute into the testing time a second line came up! By the time the 5 minutes was up the line was really dark. I started alternating between grinning and shaking lol. Steve was still asleep so I had to wake him up and tell him. Don't think he really believed me at first haha. I didn't really believe it either! Spent that whole day at work in a bit of a daze...Tested again the next morning and another bright pink line.

Two lines!

So the next step was to find a midwife, not as easy as you would think! Rang around a couple of places until I found one that could take me. Got an appointment with her for two weeks later. So now all I had to do was wait....

Midwife appointment went well, she seemed pretty nice and gave me a blood test form and dating scan form (as I wasn't completely sure when I was due, because of a long cycle). Couldn't get a scan until another 2 weeks after that at 8 weeks! That was a loooong wait as I just wanted to see something and make sure it was actually a baby in there and that I wasn't just imagining things haha.

Had a bit of a scare at about 6 weeks, had a day of cramping and a bit of spotting, so I freaked out...rang the midwife who said that these things can occur at this time and if it gets any worse then ring back and we will send you to hospital for an emergency scan and to take it easy! So Steve had to sort me out some dinner that night as I lay on the couch and did nothing. The cramping eased off by the next morning and all seemed to be ok again.

So we finally made it to the scan and it was incredible. There was a little blob in there with its heart fluttering wildly. Such an amazing thing to actually see (and proved I wasn't nuts hehehe).

8 week scan, our little blobby

The scan put me at pretty much the same dates as what I already had, so baby was measuring well. And it was such a relief that everything seemed to be perfect!

Next midwife appointment went well too, Steve came with me to meet her. My blood tests were all awesome. She gave me my next scan form for 12 weeks and another blood test form (these were for testing for downs syndrome).

And that was the scan we went to on Friday. Again baby looked perfect, heart beating madly at around 160bpm and measuring what it should. Nuchal results look great at this stage, just got to wait until my next midwife appointment to get the combined results from the blood test. When we got there bub was doing handstands with its feet kicking up in the air, was so cute. Then I had to go and let some out of my bladder because baby wasn't sitting right for measurements. That didn't help much so the sonographer told us to go for a 10 minute walk to hopefully shift baby into a better position. The walk helped and she was able to get all the measurements she needed. So now just have to wait until the 20 week anatomy scan! The sonographer also said that I have a placenta at the front, which means its anterior. Usually with anterior placentas you don't feel movement until a bit later, around 20-22 weeks or so. Which is a bit of a bummer because I'm pretty keen to feel something! But the good news is that apparently the kicks don't hurt as much later on as the placenta provides some cushioning, yay.

12 week scan
 I have been extremely lucky as I have not had any morning sickness or anything!! No throwing up YAY!!! I must say I was very nervous about that thanks to my throwing up phobia lol, but seems I have escaped it (although I guess I shouldn't speak so soon). The only time I have felt sick is when I havent eaten for awhile or eaten enough. and boy can I eat!!! I seem to be constantly grazing, and when I'm not, I'm thinking about the next meal! Has been quite a challenge to find things that I actually feel like eating though, or that I am allowed to eat - no rare meat (boo there goes my nice steak fantasies of summer bbq's this year!), no soft cheeses (although turns out you can eat them if you eat them fresh - maybe i should just buy some and eat the whole thing at once!), no sushi, no salami or deli stuff (missing ham!), no KFC etc etc. Have been eating a lot of soup, tonnes of cheese (by itself, on crackers, cheese toasted sandwiches every couple of days), lots of fruit (strawberries anyone?), lollies, pies, and lots of chips (both packets and hot chips). Totally went off anything chocolate for a few weeks, couldn't even stand the smell of it. Luckily that didn't last long!! And the only other thing I've had is a couple of almost fainting episodes - one in the shower when it got too steamy because I forgot to put the fan on oops, and one at the warehouse! That was rather embarassing...luckily Steve was there to guide me to a bench and get me some water!! Boobs haven't been too sore except at the start, and just starting to get a bit of a bump, although some days it looks bigger than others. Still looks like ive eaten a few too many pies though hehe. Will post up a bump pic in a few days if I can.

So yeah, thats my big news! And I apologise in advance if you get bored easily by baby/pregnancy talk as it is rather hard for me to focus on anything else right now, so a lot of my posts will probably be about this! :)

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