Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November christmas

So today we enter week 16! 4 more weeks until our anatomy scan! Also 4 weeks until christmas! Except this weekend just gone we had one of our family christmases...hubby's family one. So it was a busy weekend with my niece's 3rd birthday party on the saturday, and then christmas on the sunday. Lots of good food was eaten! And the weather was super hot, hate to think what the rest of the summer is going to turn out like if its that hot in November!

I got super spoilt with presents. The inlaws gave me a Brother sewing machine! So thats awesome, I've been wanting one for awhile to try and make stuff on...might give making some bibs a go! (once I have money to buy material and thread and all that). Steve's nana gave me some sewing stuff too - bobbins, measuring tape, tailors chalk and pins etc, and some socks. I also got some baby stuff - the attachment for the capsule that SIL and I are sharing to go on the pram, and an attachment for the doubles kit to turn it into a bouncer, and Steve got a baby bath full of all sorts of yummy goodies. Steve bought me a nice climber too with pink flowers (cant remember the name of it), and then last night he surprised me with some more goodies - a CD, neck pillow thing, a book and photo frame and other bits and pieces so that was cool. He said he will get me something for our actual christmas with mum and dad too, so yeah, very spoilt! I feel a bit stink though because I didn't have anything for him!

So now my task is learning how to sew! (among all the other things I want to get done haha) Going well on my cross stitch that I'm working on, so hopefully will have that finished soon and I can get onto my Winnie the Pooh one that I want to get done for when the baby gets here (although I don't see that happening as it is a rather large one!) Still, better off to have a goal to work towards!

Nothing much else happening on the baby front, getting slightly bigger, the only new development is the occasional leg cramp (which had me hopping out of bed at stupid o'clock the other day in agony!) Little bit of indigestion again last night but nothing major. Let's hope it stays that way!

1 comment:

  1. *Whistles* You have been spoilt now havent you ;)
    I'm so jealous!!
