Tuesday, March 8, 2011

30 week update

So today is the big 30. 10 weeks (or less!) to go! Yikes! I had better get cracking and start getting things finished or else things are going to hit the fan more or less. Well I suppose I'm not doing too bad, I have all the clothes washed and dried, I just need to get some more wintery type things as pretty much all what I have is summery type stuff. And considering the weather has just started turning more autumny and the mornings are quite chilly, I think she will need some warmer stuff!!

Had my midwife visit today, baby is still breech at this stage so I hope she turns soon! She has caught up on her measurements a bit now, at the last appointment at 28 weeks she measured 25.5, and this time she is measuring 28.5 so thats good. I've put on 7kg so far so that's not too bad either.

Have my obstetrician and dietician appointment tomorrow which should be interesting. Will probably get a bit of a slap on the hand for some of my food choices (like the spring rolls I had on saturday that put my levels up to 9.1!! supposed to be under 7.5. whoops). But overall my levels have been pretty good (I think). Getting used to the finger pricking now, it's not particularly pleasant but once you get used to it it's not too bad.

Ooh and it's my baby shower this weekend! So I'm looking forward to that :) Looks like there will be about 13 people there which is cool.

Right, better update my pics - this is 27, 28 and 29 weeks.

It's quite funny, because the 29 week pic looks smaller than the other two! She must have been sitting differently or something, or I just took it at a slightly different angle maybe.

Anyway, think that is all for now. Will try and update on thursday if I remember with how tomorrows appointments go.

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