Thursday, February 24, 2011

Why hello GD, nice of you to join me.....

Yep, I failed my GTT. The cutoff point is 9.0 and my result was 9.7. So I have gestational diabetes. woop de do. sigh. So I had an appointment yesterday at the diabetes clinic and the lady gave me a blood glucose monitoring system which basically means I have a little finger pricker thing and a machine with little strips that go in it, I put a drop of blood on the strip and it tells me my result. I have to do this 4 times a day - once before breakfast, and then one hour after breakfast, lunch and dinner. I forgot to do the before breakfast one today whoops, but my after breakfast result was high, lunchtime was ok though. So I'm also writing down a food diary of what I'm eating during the day and will take that to my dietician appointment in 2 weeks, and I'm also meeting with the obstetrician that day too.

So, not the greatest result! But hopefully we can just control it with diet and not have to have any metformin tablets or insulin injections. FX. At least they got onto it now and we will have the best outcome for me and bubs.

At my midwife appointment on tuesday she had a poke around and bubs is breech at the moment, so that's why I've been getting a bit of heartburn - her head is up under my ribs. But heart rate is still good, and she feels like a small bub at this stage. Which is good because with GD babies can tend to be on the large side which can make for complications during delivery etc. If my levels stay good then they might let me go to term instead of inducing me early but we will have to see how I go.

Aside from that, not a lot has been happening. I've been dealing with lots of baby clothes - so much in fact that they aren't all going to fit in her wardrobe and some will have to go in the spare room wardrobe!!

also our new chest freezer that we bought (and finally plugged in) wasn't working, the light came on but nothing else happened so we had a brand new one delivered yesterday - which does work. so YAY now I can start making up some meals to freeze and we won't run out of freezer space for quite a while.

Oh and I've been watching the horrible earthquake tragedy in Christchurch on the news, it's so sad! So many people dead and they are still looking for survivors. Thankfully everyone that I know that lives there is doing ok. phew.

well I think that's all for now....

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